
It's been a depressing year for many of us. Now the approaching holidays are bringing their own set of challenges - even more for those experiencing the seasonal effects of the holidays.

As uplifting and joyous the holidays can be for some, it can be an emotional rollercoaster to others. Recent studies have revealed that emotional health is significant to one’s overall health, and no time of the year tests our emotions like those of the holiday season - especially the repeat of a Covid-19 holiday season. First, there is nothing wrong with being emotional. Emotions are natural psychological conditions. In an emotionally healthy state, a person is in control of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. However, it can become unhealthy if you do not understand your emotions or how to control them.

Here are a few ways you can achieve emotional health for the holidays:

1. Become aware of yourself. Many of us have are hurried so much for the holidays that we become oblivious to what we are actually feeling. Ask yourself, what does emotional peace mean to me? What are triggers, specifically during the holidays, that affect my emotional state? How do those triggers show up in my behavior? How am I feeling now? How is Covid-19 affecting my holiday health?

2. Accept yourself. If you forgot the cranberry sauce or the turkey is overcooked, do not let it become a trigger. You are not supposed to be perfect and learning to accept yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses creates feelings of emotional balance. Also if family and friends chose to "quarantine for the holidays" instead of attending your annual dinner, it's okay. Accept them and their decisions as well.

3. Talk to a trusted friend or counselor. Finding a ‘safe place’ where you are able to express feelings without anyone judging you provides an opportunity to release emotions. If you feel that you need more professional help, seek out your area crisis or depression hotline for assistance.

4. Keep a journal. People use journaling in order to release emotions. It is for your eyes only and allows you to express your emotions, which tend to dissipate through this method.

5. Take care of you. You are no good to any situation or anyone if you are not any good to yourself. Although social and public activities may be limited right now, take time to buy yourself an online gift or pamper yourself with spa products. A good body massage is not just physically rewarding but also emotionally advantageous to your body. The oils used can help invigorate you and regulate various emotions.

It bears repeating that nothing is wrong with being emotional - especially through this 2021 year. However you must understand yourself and not be surprised by those seasonal triggers that disrupt your emotional balance. The key to having emotional health is to honor your emotional nature and find methods to express feelings in appropriate ways that allow the joy of emotional peace on earth for the holidays and all year long.

~ Kioka Render, RN, ACLS

Owner, Kurved By K Beauty and Wellness